Titus Talks
by Dan Titus on 2001-08-16
Ah, summer. Barbecues, the beach, tv reruns, and women wearing outfits
that fill my dirty mind with thoughts of sexual gratification. Maybe
I'll even invite a few of them. And one more important event in the dog
days of summer: Summerslam. This will be an evaluation of the card.
Knowing the WWF, a few more things will be added, but lets go through
the already announced lineup:
World Wrestling Federation Championship
Stone Cold vs. Kurt Angle
Austin has overcome a rocky start to his heel turn to become, once
again, a key factor in watching. We'll see if that translates into his
in-ring performance. I expect this to be a surprisingly technical
match, and I think it's gonna go down by submission.
Winner:Angle-submission I hope this goes thirty.
WCW Championship
Booker T vs. The Rock
The PPV return of The Rock. Standard Rock-all-over-the-building brawl.
Is there any doubt Rock is going over? Winner: Rock
WWF & WCW Tag Team Championship
Steel Cage Match
Undertaker & Kane vs. DDP & Kanyon
Ooooh, this is going to be a train wreck. The DDP/Taker angle must end.
No one cares.
The way to add finality to the angle would be for DDP to take some
crazy monster bump, but don't count on it.I have a feeling Sara will
become airborn.
Winners:Kane and Taker
Intercontinental Championship
Lance Storm vs. Edge
Has potential to be excellent, but with all the belts in the Invasion
angle, the IC belt is lost in the shuffle. They have not given us
sufficient reason to want Storm to lose or care that he holds the belt
to begin with. Winner:Storm after Christian screws up
Cruiserweight & Light Heavyweight Championship
X-Pac vs. Tajiri
Even during the brief period Xpac held both belts, I don't think anyone
thought of him as the top light heavyweight in the business. Thats
really who the unified title should be reserved for. Tajiri could carry
the division if it was given a fighting chance. Winner: Tajiri
Ladder Match for the Hardcore Championship
Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam
Ok, this is the "Sam Halsall drooling uncontrollably while holding his
cock in his hand" match. No way this could fail, especially adding in a
ladder. Evil Knievel would be proud. Winner: RVD
Chris Jericho vs. Rhyno
Could be a show stealer. These two could have a great thing, if it was
done in a series of matches. I think to keep the feud going, Rhyno goes
over . Winner:Rhyno
Dudley Boyz & Test vs. APA & Spike
Who cares. This provides an opportunity for a bathroom break.
Buh Buh and D-von are stalled, and its almost time for the WWF
to do what they do every few months: Push Test to the moon, then
drop it in a fashion that makes no sense. The APA must not go
over, as punishment for the AWFUL promo they cut at WWF New York.
Farrooq: "We gonna beat up da Dudleys and Test so bad, all they
gonna do is go "Damn.............." Guys : Being drunk is a gimmick
you shouldn't bring to real life!
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from the boys:
Ed Moretti says "Okay lets see...they did twenty high spots, chairs, tables, chains, outside interference, and juice...what's the rest of the card gonna do"? |