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Aussie Wrestling
by Ace Brimshore on 2002-02-28

Most of the fans reading this will not have a clue who I am or why the hell I'm posting this so I will introduce my self and tell you what and why I’m posting on this site...

My name is Allan, I wrestle in Australia for a FED Called TWP (Titan Wrestling Promotions) under the name of Ace Brimshore.

Now on too the next thing, why im posting on this website. Well I would like everyone to know that there is actually wrestling in Australia. Good quality shows and at affordable prices, not many people would even know that Australia has about 9 federations ranging from TWP, AWF, IWA, ARPW and ACW in New South Wales and ASW, PCW and ACW in Victoria and in South Australia there is PWSA and MPW also in Queensland there is WCW Aust.

There is heaps of great talent over here but they can’t get anywhere because the money they make it’s enough to get a plane ticket highest paid guys in Australia only get $250 -$300 au and that’s not a whole lot if you think about it.

People such as Dean Draven, Ami Action, Scarecrow, Ill Cognito, Ricky Diamond (your probably saying to your self’s “who are these guys??” but they work there butts of to get nowhere when they should be somewhere.

Here’s a great website with a whole lot of aussie info –

Well this is only a introduction to Aussie Pro-Wrestling, I will be posting a lot more over the coming months so I’ll be back soon don’t dispar and remember eat your broccoli


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Quotes from the boys: Moondog Manson says "After a long hard thought about what I wanted to do, I realized retirement isn't what I wanted. Why would I give these knuckleheads the satisfaction of retirement when I can terrorize them ten fold in the ring.".
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