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The most visited independent wrestlers website in the world!

Moondog Manson began wrestling five years ago when he was eager to rise to stardom and entertain fans world wide. Today, in this world, Moondog Manson is trying to do what no other Indy wrestler has done before on such a large scale, INCREASE AWARENESS OF INDY WRESTLING. Furthermore, he has set up one of the most active wrestling forums in the world, where people from all walks of life interact with indy wrestlers and promotions, Moondog is truly one of the most visited indy wrestling & sports entertainment websites in the world!

• 1,300 unique visitors a day
• 39,000 unique visitors per month
• 1,740,000 page views per month
• 14 - 26 yr target audience

Why don't you contact us today?

Murray Cairns
Moondog Manson Online

(604) 617-5145

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Create brand awareness, increase buyer intent and ask for the sale!

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Site Sponsorship
For those premier sponsors who wish to have a permanent presence on every single page of the website we recommend site sponsorship. Your logo will be placed above the logo for maximum brand awareness.

Section Sponsorship (Intro Page, Forum, Wrestling Section, Web Ring)
Each section of the website reaches a slightly different target market. The Community Forum alone is divided into almost 10 different sections with their own niche audiences. No matter how broad or how narrow a market your product or service reaches, there is a place for you on Advertising Rates

We currently only accept gif format files, we are working on bringing you the capability of flash banners also. Below is a list of our advertising rates, if you have any special request you do not see here please contact us to discuss rates. Our Rotating banners offer realtime online stats for advertisers to see live how well there ads are doing.

 Large Banner Ads: 468x60

Large Banner

Large Banner Ad

Image Size: 468 x 60 pixels
File Size: Maximum 16K
Formats: Gif (Flash coming soon)
Cost: $2 CPM
(cost per thousand impressions, sold in sets of 10,000 impressions)

Medium Banner Ads: 125x125

Medium Banner

Medium Banner Ads

Image Size: 125 x 125 pixels
File Size: Maximum 13K
Formats: Gif (Flash coming soon)
Cost: $2 CPM
(cost per thousand impressions, sold in sets of 10,000 impressions)

Why don't you contact us today?

Murray Cairns
Moondog Manson Online

(604) 617-5145


Quotes from the boys: Ed Moretti says "Okay lets see...they did twenty high spots, chairs, tables, chains, outside interference, and juice...what's the rest of the card gonna do"?
  Site created by: Moondog Manson Webdesigns
Pro Wrestling Canada