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Traditionally yours,
by The NWG on 2001-08-16

Well, anything Dan can do...I'm allowed to borrow and do as well. And hopefully beginning another tradition (like the Nanaimo Prediction Contest from the ECCW board last year). Here's my "take".

WWF WORLD TITLE MATCH: Stone Cold (c) vs. Kurt Angle
This has been almost the only reason to watch the WWF as of late. What? This has been almost the only reason to watch the WWF as of late. This should be a great match. What? This should be a great match. I hope it doesn't end up being a massive run-in or anything (I fear Vince coming back). However, I think this should be quite a good technical match.

WCW WORLD TITLE MATCH: The Book (c) vs. The Rock
The Book has been pretty funny over the past few weeks, but we all know where the feud was going. They tried getting The Book over as a plausible contender, but it won't work. Book will control the first part, Rock comes back, Shane interference foiled, Rock Bottom, the Elbow, new champ.

IC TITLE MATCH: Lance Storm (c) vs. Edge
And finally, the swerve WILL HIT the screen. Months of teasing, months of "this is it", and we get this match. They're hyping up Christian turning...and I don't think it'll happen here...but maybe on RAW. No matter, Christian will cost Edge this match...and Lance retains.

Let's do it again, cause we get get enough of spotfests. You can never go wrong with these guys jumping off stuff like backyard wrestlers in front of backyard rats. It'll be fun, they'll nearly get injured....but 5 Star off the ladder wins it for RVD.

LIGHT WEIGHT UNIFICATION: X-Pac (c) vs. Tajiri (c)
I was soooo happy when Tajiri won half the belts back. Tajiri has been so great over the past few weeks, and busting out the RED MIST!! (although if it was yellow, Albert should be in the burn ward by now) was cool. I hope Regal doesn't turn, or Albert doesn't end up joing THE ALLIANCE, but I fear something like that will happen. Nonetheless....

TAG CAGE MATCH: DDP/Kanyon (c) vs. Undertaker/Kane (c)
I hate this match. It could be good on a "Blood and Guts" scale, but probably no super death dive. My buddy figures Kanyon will, but I doubt it. I can see Sara turning though, just because. This could be bad, but I don't think it'll be worst of the night.

SIX-MAN TAG: Dudleyz/Test vs. aPa/Spike
Who cares. aPa will be drunk, Spike's too short, Dudleyz are lame, Test was cool...

Jericho vs. Rhyno
This will be great. GORE GORE GORE could be busted out, but I hope Steph doesn't end up turning...which I think she will. Why? Because I don't want her to. However, since I like Rhyno SOOOOOO much, I'll call this one the tossup pick of the night, and go with...

May the best man win

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Quotes from the boys: Ed Moretti says "Hey kid, its already ten minutes in, people are going crazy, and we ain't even tied up yet".
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